

Scientific Research

Inkospor dietary supplements are available in 29 countries worldwide and are the only ones globally to offer medical and pharmaceutical expertise applied to nutritional supplementation. Nutrichem's activity is based on the in-depth study of a healthy and active lifestyle. Every sector of the company is dedicated to the development and research of new and highly effective products.



Our aim is to help individuals improve the quality of their lives by promoting a culture of positive nutrition, the importance of regular physical activity, and a commitment to responsible and sustainable practices in social and environmental aspects.



Our company operates at the highest quality standards, with continuous optimization of our manufacturing processes. We adhere to the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines and have implemented a total quality management system based on the European certification DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. We are proud to be the only brand of supplements in Italy with this European certification.

High-Quality Proteins
on the Market

Thanks to environmentally-friendly scientific research and natural ingredients, we have developed high-quality and nutrient-rich proteins. How can we be so sure?

We measure the Chemical Score, an international index that attests to the quality and nutritional power of proteins, and you will discover how Inkospor is the product with the highest Chemical Score available, as shown in the chart below comparing leading competitor brands.

Inkospor is committed to ongoing scientific research to ensure high-quality proteins on the market.



Unlike most of its competitors, Inkospor always indicates the Chemical Score of its proteins on the product labels.